603 Netherby Road, Welland, Ontario. L3B 5N7. Canada - (905)734-7058


Club Events - Sunday Rides

The Welland County Motorcycle Club will be hosting various rides on Sunday afternoons during the 2024 riding season.

They are titled Steppenwolf Rides or Tragically Hip Rides and the reasoning for the titles is simply based on some lyrics from one of their songs.

The rides are FREE and 2, 3 and 4 wheel vehicles are welcome to participate.

The rides are open to anybody who wants to spend a Sunday afternoon roaming around the Niagara Region, Brant County, Haldimand County and Norfolk County.

The rides are weather dependent, no riding in the rain; as well, there is absolutely NO BLOCKING during the rides.

Generally, the rides will leave from the Welland County Motorcycle Club property at 603 Netherby Road, Welland at 11:00 a.m.

The first Steppenwolf Ride (Get your engine runnin', Head out on the highway, Lookin' for adventure, In whatever comes our way) is scheduled for Sunday, May 26, leaving from the WCMC property at 11:00 a.m. Fort George to Stoney Creek - June 1813

The ride is based on military actions which occurred during the War of 1812 - 1814. May 26, 2024 is the 211th anniversary of the 1813 artillery assault on Fort George in Niagara-on-the-Lake.

The ride DOES NOT start at Fort George, but picks up the route of the fleeing British on Reg Rd 81, formerly Hwy 8 and the path that travellers in 1813 would have taken to reach other settlements in the Niagara frontier.

The ride will proceed along Regional Road 81 into Stoney Creek to the Powerhouse Pub on Jones Street. After a lunch break, the ride will return by way of Ridge Road and Twenty Mile Creek Road (Reg Rd 69) and eventually into Welland, ending at Golden Brothers on Southworth Street.

A pleasant scenic ride with some history thrown in!


  May 26 - Steppenwolf Ride


  May 26 - Steppenwolf Ride  

In April 1813 , American forces besieged and inflicted damage on York (Toronto). The strategically located Fort George in Niagara-on-the-Lake, and headquarters of the British army, was their next target.

At Dawn on May 25, 1813 the cannons at Fort Niagara in Lewiston and on a fleet of American warships on Lake Ontario opened fire on Fort George.

The two-day artillery assault left the fort a burnt-out shell. On May 27, 5,000 American troops invaded.

The flotilla landed near Two Mile Creek where they skirmished with the local garrison.

Unable to resist the attackers, the British retreated.

Without any other defensible position, the British had to abandon the ruins of Fort George and began a forced march towards Burlington Heights.